The useConsentManager hook provides access to the complete consent management API, allowing you to interact with and control the consent state throughout your application.
Usage useConsentManager
This example shows the hook being used to re-open the cookie banner once it has been closed. This could be used to re-open the banner after a certain amount of time has passed, or when a user wishes to update their consents for example.
The hook returns an object containing both state properties and methods for managing consent:
Prop | Type | Default |
consents | ConsentState | - |
consentInfo | { time: number; type: "necessary" | "all" | "custom"; } | - |
showPopup | boolean | - |
isLoadingConsentInfo | boolean | - |
gdprTypes | AllConsentNames[] | - |
isPrivacyDialogOpen | boolean | - |
complianceSettings | Record<ComplianceRegion, ComplianceSettings> | - |
callbacks | Callbacks | - |
detectedCountry | string | - |
locationInfo | LocationInfo | - |
jurisdictionInfo | JurisdictionInfo | - |
privacySettings | PrivacySettings | - |
translationConfig | TranslationConfig | - |
setTranslationConfig | (config: TranslationConfig) => void | - |
includeNonDisplayedConsents | boolean | - |
consentTypes | ConsentType[] | - |
setConsent | (name: AllConsentNames, value: boolean) => void | - |
setShowPopup | (show: boolean, force?: boolean | undefined) => void | - |
setIsPrivacyDialogOpen | (isOpen: boolean) => void | - |
saveConsents | (type: "necessary" | "all" | "custom") => void | - |
resetConsents | () => void | - |
setGdprTypes | (types: AllConsentNames[]) => void | - |
setComplianceSetting | (region: ComplianceRegion, settings: Partial<ComplianceSettings>) => void | - |
resetComplianceSettings | () => void | - |
setCallback | (name: keyof Callbacks, callback: CallbackFunction | undefined) => void | - |
setDetectedCountry | (country: string) => void | - |
setLocationInfo | (location: LocationInfo | null) => void | - |
setJurisdictionInfo | (jurisdiction: JurisdictionInfo | null) => void | - |
fetchConsentBannerInfo | (url?: string | undefined) => Promise<ConsentBannerResponse | undefined> | - |
getDisplayedConsents | () => ConsentType[] | - |
hasConsented | () => boolean | - |
clearAllData | () => void | - |
updateConsentMode | () => void | - |
setPrivacySettings | (settings: Partial<PrivacySettings>) => void | - |
getEffectiveConsents | () => ConsentState | - |
hasConsentFor | (consentType: AllConsentNames) => boolean | - |
setIncludeNonDisplayedConsents | (include: boolean) => void | - |
- The hook must be used within a
component - Throws an error if used outside of a
- All methods are memoized and safe to use in effects or callbacks
- Changes to consent state are automatically persisted
- Supports TypeScript with full type safety